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FederatedSparqlRemoteEndpointQueryWithResultGraph Method

Overload List
Public methodQueryWithResultGraph(String)
Makes a Query where the expected Result is an RDF Graph ie. CONSTRUCT and DESCRIBE Queries.
(Overrides SparqlRemoteEndpointQueryWithResultGraph(String).)
Public methodQueryWithResultGraph(IRdfHandler, String)
Makes a Query where the expected result is a Graph i.e. a CONSTRUCT or DESCRIBE query.
(Overrides SparqlRemoteEndpointQueryWithResultGraph(IRdfHandler, String).)
Public methodQueryWithResultGraph(String, GraphCallback, Object)
Makes a Query asynchronously where the expected Result is an RDF Graph ie. CONSTRUCT and DESCRIBE Queries.
(Inherited from SparqlRemoteEndpoint.)
Public methodQueryWithResultGraph(IRdfHandler, String, QueryCallback, Object)
Makes a Query asynchronously where the expected Result is an RDF Graph ie. CONSTRUCT and DESCRIBE Queries.
(Inherited from SparqlRemoteEndpoint.)
See Also