Flags Enumeration which is used to express the IO Behaviours of a specific Store.
dotNetRDF (in dotNetRDF.dll) Version:
public enum IOBehaviour
Public Enumeration IOBehaviour
| Member name | Value | Description |
| IsReadOnly | 1 |
Indicates whether the Store is Read Only i.e. Saving is not supported
| IsTripleStore | 2 |
Indicates that the Store is a Triple Store
| IsQuadStore | 4 |
Indicates that the Store is a Quad (Graph) Store
| HasDefaultGraph | 8 |
Indicates whether the Store has an explicit unnamed default graph
| HasNamedGraphs | 16 |
Indicates whether the Store has named graphs
| AppendTriples | 32 |
Indicates that a Triple Store appends Triples when the SaveGraph() method is used
| OverwriteTriples | 64 |
Indicates that a Triple Store overwrites Triples when the SaveGraph() method is used
| AppendToDefault | 128 |
Indicates that Graph data written to the Default Graph is always appended when the SaveGraph() method is used
| OverwriteDefault | 256 |
Indicates that Graph data written to the Default Graph overwrites existing data when the SaveGraph() method is used
| AppendToNamed | 512 |
Indicates that Graph data written to Named Graphs is always appended when the SaveGraph() method is used
| OverwriteNamed | 1024 |
Indicates that Graph data written to Named Graphs overwrites existing data when the SaveGraph() method is used
| CanUpdateAddTriples | 2048 |
Indicates a Store that can do Triple Level additions on existing Graphs using the UpdateGraph() method
| CanUpdateDeleteTriples | 4096 |
Indicates a Store that can do Triple Level removals on existing Graphs using the UpdateGraph() method
| ExplicitEmptyGraphs | 8192 |
Indicates that a Store has a notion of explicit empty graphs
| HasMultipleStores | 16384 |
Indicates that the Store is from a system which provides access to multiple stores (such an implementation will usually implement the IStorageServer interface) - at a minimum this usually means the store will allow you to list other available stores. More complex abilities like creating and deleting stores are indicated by other flags.
| CanCreateStores | 32768 |
Indicates that the Store provides the means to create additional Stores
| CanDeleteStores | 65536 |
Indicates that the Store provides the means to delete Stores
| CanUpdateTriples | 6144 |
Indicates a Store that can do Triple Level additions and removals on existing Graphs using the UpdateGraph() method
| ReadOnlyTripleStore | 3 |
Default Behaviour for Read Only Triple Stores
| ReadOnlyGraphStore | 29 |
Default Behaviour for Read Only Quad (Graph) Stores
| TripleStore | 34 |
Default Behaviour for Triple Stores
| GraphStore | 1180 |
Default Behaviour for Quad (Graph) Stores
| StorageServer | 114688 |
Behaviour for fully fledged storage servers i.e. multiple stores are supported and can be created and deleted as desired
See Also