ExplanationLevel Enumeration |
Represents the level of Query Explanation that is desired.
dotNetRDF (in dotNetRDF.dll) Version:
public enum ExplanationLevel
Public Enumeration ExplanationLevel
| Member name | Value | Description |
| None | 0 |
Specifies No Explanations
| OutputToDebug | 1 |
Specifies Explanations are output to Debug
| OutputToTrace | 2 |
Specifies Explanations are output to Trace
| OutputToConsoleStdOut | 4 |
Specifies Explanations are output to Console Standard Output
| OutputToConsoleStdErr | 8 |
Specifies Explanations are output to Console Standard Error
| OutputDefault | 5 |
Specifies Explanations are output to Debug and Console Standard Output
| OutputAll | 15 |
Specifies Explanations are output to all
| ShowThreadID | 16 |
Show the Thread ID of the Thread evaluating the query (useful in multi-threaded environments)
| ShowDepth | 32 |
Show the Depth of the Algebra Operator
| ShowOperator | 64 |
Show the Type of the Algebra Operator
| ShowAction | 128 |
Show the Action being performed (makes it clear whether the explanation marks the start/end of an operation)
| ShowTimings | 256 |
Shows Timings for the Query
| ShowIntermediateResultCount | 512 |
Show Intermediate Result Counts at each stage of evaluation
| ShowBasic | 224 |
Shows Basic Information (Depth, Operator and Action)
| ShowDefault | 240 |
Shows Default Information (Thread ID, Depth, Operator and Action)
| ShowAll | 1008 |
Shows All Information
| AnalyseBgps | 1024 |
Shows an analysis of BGPs prior to evaluating them
| AnalyseJoins | 2048 |
Shows an analysis of Joins prior to evaluating them
| AnalyseNamedGraphs | 4096 |
Shows an analysis of Named Graphs used by a Graph clause prior to evaluating them
| Simulate | 8092 |
Sets whether Evaluation should be simulated (means timings will not be accurate but allows you to explain queries without needing actual data to evaluate them against)
| AnalyseAll | 7168 |
Shows all analysis information
| Basic | 228 |
Basic Explanation Level (Console Standard Output and Basic Information)
| Default | 245 |
Default Explanation Level (Default Outputs and Default Information)
| Detailed | 1013 |
Detailed Explanation Level (Default Outputs and All Information)
| Full | 8191 |
Full Explanation Level (All Outputs, All Information and All Analysis)
| BasicSimulation | 8188 |
Basic Explanation Level with Query Evaluation simulated
| DefaultSimulation | 8189 |
Default Explanation Level with Query Evaluation simulated
| DetailedSimulation | 8189 |
Detailed Explanation Level with Query Evaluation simulated
| FullSimulation | 8191 |
Full Explanation Level with Query Evaluation simulated
See Also